Wednesday, 12 October 2016

TERM 4 2016

The Library will be closing for 2016 on  THURSDAY 1  DECEMBER. Please have a good look for any lost books before this date.  We would love to have them back!


our annual parade is being held on THURSDAY 1 DECEMBER at 11am in the school hall. Parents welcome to attend.

Judging will be done in CLASSROOMS between 9am and 10:30am.

This year we are holding a MASQUERADE. We will be looking for the best home-made MASKS. Children are welcome to wear a costume but the judging will be done on the MASKS. So please encourage students to choose a book character and get crafting!

The Library Party (for all Librarians)  is being planned and will be held on WEDNESDAY 7 DECEMBER

BOOK CLUB for NOVEMBER is open. Catalogues have been sent home.  Remember you can also order books ONLINE via the Loop (see link below).   CLOSES 1 DECEMBER. Order now for Christmas! (note: this is the LAST Book Club for 2016)

Sunday, 7 August 2016


LUCKY BOOK CLUB Issue 5 closes at school on Thursday 11 August. However I will leave the Loop open for a few extra days for ONLINE orders.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016


The Library will be closed next week (last week of Term 2)  as I will be on sick leave. Students need to get their books out for the holidays THIS week. Otherwise they need to see their classroom teacher to make arrangements for changing books.

Book Club issue 4 closes on THURSDAY 30 June. I will arrange for Dot to make sure Book Club orders go to classes if they arrive next week.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Lots of new books coming into Library at present, thanks to the grant from McCarthy Trust!.

Book Club issue 3 was processed last week and should be arriving at school any day.

Library will be closed 7 to 9 June as I will be away.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


I would like to encourage students at Tawa School to contribute work to a new journal for young writers and artists.

TOITOI magazine.

They can submit a story, a poem a picture or all of these things!

The closing date for the next Journal is 8 July. 

You can email entries via the website. Note that a teacher or parent needs to approve the entry.
  Please send the hard copies of any work done to the library for display and I will have some prizes for my favourite entries from each syndicate. BY FRIDAY 24 JUNE please

There is a copy of the journal in the school library and you are welcome to come and look at it.

Sunday, 1 May 2016


Catalogues are being sent home this week.

Remember you can now order and pay online. Just go to:

Alternatively, send your order and payment to the school office. 



Visiting Author - Liz Pichon, the author of the best-selling "Tom Gates" series of books for children will be at The Children's Bookshop in Kilbirnie Plaza on Wednesday 11th of May between 3.15pm and 4pm to meet her readers and sign books. Children may of course bring their own copies to be signed and the Tom Gates books will be available for sale also. All welcome, no charge.

These books are hugely popular with boys and girls from year 4 and up.  I have been known to be found sitting at my desk chuckling over one of these books, they really  are funny!  

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Sunday, 13 March 2016

 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Issue 1: deadline for orders  has been extended to Thursday 17 March.  This is because Scholastic is experiencing teething problems with their new computer system and have a huge backlog of orders.  To make things easier for them I will delay ordering until on or after 17 March. If you have an URGENT order, please let me know.
Remember you can now order and pay online. Just go to:

Alternatively, send your order and payment to the school office. 

Please note: there will be no ISSUE 2.  Scholastic has decided to skip an issue to give them time to overcome the problems.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Our New Look Library

                             INTRODUCING THE NEW LOOK LIBRARY!

Tawa School Library recently moved to Room 6 and we took the opportunity to jazz things up a little. The walls were painted a nice calming shade of blue and we accessorised with a bright red rug.
We also bought some mobile furniture so that  the space can be used for other activities. We recently moved most of the books into the Music Room to make space for the BOOK FAIR.
I was so busy at the fair I didn't have time to take photos BUT it was worth it as we sold a lot of books AND earned over $1000 worth of new books for the school library.  Thanks to everyone who visited the fair and made this happen!
Our two Lucky Draw prizewinners were Jayden H from room 12 and Mikaela B from Room 7. They each won $50 worth of books from the Book Club. 

Do come in and visit if you haven't done so already!