Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Library 2017

Welcome back! We're not having much of a summer but the weather doesn't matter if you have a good book to read!
I read quite a few books over the Summer Holidays . Some Humour, some Biography and a large dose of Murder Mystery! What genres will YOU be reading this year?
Our Library Fiction is divided into genres to make it easier for students to find a book in a genre they enjoy.
No major changes in the Library this year. A new rug has been added (we now have THREE!) to make the Library as comfortable as possible given the limited space.
There are lots of NEW BOOKS being added to the collection on a daily basis. These are displayed at the front of the library by the Issues Desk.

BOOK CLUB is open and brochures were sent home last week. Orders close on THURSDAY 16 Feb.  Remember you can now order ONLINE at

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR will be happening in Week 5 at the same time as the Goal Setting Interviews.  Please come along to ROOM 8 (to left of Hall) and have a look at the books on sale. EFTPOS will be available. When you make a purchase you will be helping the school library to buy more books with the commission we earn.A Book Fair flyer will be sent home in Week 4. Bring this to the Book Fair and go in the lucky draw to win FREE BOOKS!

Please feel free to pop into the library if you would like to see me or just to take a look at the wonderful resources available to your children!
