Sunday, 28 October 2018

Term 4 2018

I am a little bit late with this post as the Book Club Issue 7 closes this WEDNESDAY 31 October. Here is the link if you wish to order online


This term we will be having the Annual Book Parade on Wednesday 5 December at 11am in the Hall.
this year the theme is "Fancy Feet". Dress up your feet or shoes to represent a book character. (for example, with his colourful characters, Dr Seuss has given us plenty of feet for thought!)
Students can wear a full costume but it is their feet that will be judged!

LIBRARIANS' PARTY  and ROAD PATROL TRIP  this combined event is currently being planned. More information soon!

The Library closes to students and classes at 12pm on WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER and all books need to be returned (or replaced/paid for if lost)  by this date. The first class to have ALL its books back to the library wins Ice Blocks.